# pat-dissertation Code for Pat's dissertation. ## sorter.rb usage ### Options sorter.rb takes the following options: | option | usage | | -f, --file | the name of the input file | | -b, --bin-file | the name of the bin csv file | | -t, --type | what type of splitting to do, can be "iat" or "pn" | ### Output sorter.rb will generate two files: * [filename]-out.json * [filename]-out.csv Both files contain the same data in json or csv format. ### Type options The program has two filtering modes: #### iat This mode grabs all text from the input file in between `PLOVEOPENING` and `PLOVECLOSING`. It ignores all text before `PLOVEOPENING` and after `PLOVECLOSING`. It does not support multiple sections of text. #### pn This mode grabs each section of text from the input file in between `Narrative:` and `Signatures:`. It supports multiple sections from a single input text file. ### Example: `./sorter.rb --file tester.txt --bin-file bins.csv --type iat` The above command will run against `tester.txt`, count strings according to `bins.csv`, and process the input text in `iat` mode. It will create `tester-out.json` and `tester-out.csv` containing the output data.