#!/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'discordrb' require 'rufus-scheduler' # fetches a random quote from quotes def random_quote(quotes) entry = quotes.keys.sample quote = "**Quote of the Day**\n" quote += "From the #{quotes[entry][:tech]}: #{entry}\n" quote += '```' quote += quotes[entry][:quote] "#{quote}```" end # map quote types def get_quote_type(tech) case tech when /TECH/ 'Technology' when /HELPFAC/ 'Base Facility' when /PROJECT/ 'Secret Project' when /OPENING/ nil end end # preserves whitespace intention for quotes, expects array of strings, one line per element def make_pretty_quote(quote) quote.map { |line| line.gsub('^^', " \n").gsub('^', "\n") }.join(' ') end token = File.read('./token').strip bot = Discordrb::Bot.new token: token raw_quotes = File.read('Game Files/blurbsx.txt').split('##') raw_quotes.delete_at(0) # Remove empty first item scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.new start_time = Rufus::Scheduler.parse('12:30') # what time of day the message should send # start tomorrow if start_time has passed start_time += Rufus::Scheduler.parse('1d') if start_time < Time.now quotes = {} raw_quotes.each do |quote| quote = quote.split("\n") tech_and_text = { tech: get_quote_type(quote[1]), quote: make_pretty_quote(quote[2..]) } quotes.store(quote[0], tech_and_text) end quotes.freeze scheduler.every '1d', first_at: start_time do bot.send_message(852_541_842_511_495_210, random_quote(quotes)) end bot.message(with_text: 'Ping!') do |event| event.respond random_quote(quotes) pp bot end bot.run